American African

[网络] 美国籍非洲人



  1. About 12.9% ( 2000 census) of the American people are African Americans of non-Hispanic origin.
  2. But Michelle Obama said as an African American woman, her discussion with the African youth was deeply personal.
  3. Generally, Asian countries are expected to fare better than Latin American and African nations.
  4. But when their recommendations are so-so, when it's a judgment call, the subjects are significantly more likely to hire the white American than the African American.
  5. While flawed in many ways, the Latin American experience holds lessons for Asian and African countries at an earlier stage in the process of urbanisation and suggests that, given the right policy response, many of its problems are ultimately superable.
  6. When she started at IBM in the 1980s she was only the second African American in her branch, and the only African American woman.
  7. The Honey Project also partnered with an American company that sells African honey.
  8. An American descended from peoples of African origin having brown to black skin; an African american; an afro-american.
  9. The famous American writer Tony Morrison employs many African cultural elements in composing her novels and presents them in an adapted version.
  10. An evergreen shrub or small tree ( Chrysobalanus icaco) native to the American and African tropics, having plumlike fruit used to make jellies and preserves.
  11. On the dry seabird islands off the South American and South African coasts, immense deposits of bird droppings, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, had accumulated over centuries.
  12. Its businessmen are buying up everything from American brands to African minerals to Russian oil rights.
  13. American Constitutionalism and the Development of African Constitutionalism in the Twenties 'Century
  14. Tropical American and east African tree with strikingly marked hardwood used in cabinetwork.
  15. It prepares me as I train my ear to understand the myriad ways that people speak the English language; and when I encounter the customs and courtesies of Asian, Latin American and African cultures.
  16. Poetry and Music-Supplementary Harmony: On Combination of Music and Poetry; The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US.
  17. Its landscape embraces bulbous South American trees, huge succulents, African baobabs and vast fiery carpets of red and gold flowers.
  18. Expressions of African American Vernacular English in the Speech of Classical African American Motion Pictures
  19. The visitor would travel through a garden inspired by European hay meadows, then another by North American prairies, another by Southern African grasslands and an Asian Zone lush with coarse textured plants.
  20. Nifurtimox is registered for the treatment of American trypanosomiasis but not for human African trypanosomiasis.
  21. The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US.
  22. The discourses of African American writers reveal the African American experiences in their striving for cultural identity.
  23. Their differences are shown as possessing Latin American character and African character.
  24. As a wonderful works of American literature garden with hundreds of flowers, African American literature sends out unique glamour.
  25. Toni Morrison ( 1931-) is an outstanding African American women writer. She is the first African American women writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993.
  26. Her literary creation is deeply rooted in the unique African American history and real life, which pushes African American fiction to new height in contents and narrative techniques.
  27. More than seventy dictionaries and encyclopedias on American, world, and African American history and literature carry entries on Toni Morrison.
  28. In an era when multiculture coexists, many Chinese American writers, African American writers and Jewish American writers try to break through the ethnic boundaries and deal with the problems to which human beings are facing.
  29. By the novel, Morrison gives African American people a direction that only ground in American reality and inherit African tradition and culture, can they realize the real development and obtain freedom.